Seven Minutes to Success

Ken Dauer • November 18, 2021

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The Seven Minute Miracle

Posted on August 23, 2021

A first lesson for a child’s lemonade stand.

If you want to sell mud pies, you need some essential ingredients: some mud, a “mud pie oven” to bake the pies, some potential customers, a method and place to connect your product with the potential customers, and a medium of exchange. Oh, but we were talking about a LEMONADE STAND. What is the point? Too many people are trying to sell “mud” in lemonade stands, but people recognize a terrible taste in their drink.

But wait, there’s more. In today’s, “entitlement mental perspective”, the uneducated have developed a jaundiced vision of a “life fully lived.” Too many people operate with a mindset that assumes “profit” or “celebrity” comes from being in the right place to sing a song, tell a joke, or shout a disturbing epithet and SOMEBODY will give you money. Such people become “losers” when they learn that money creates at least as many problems as it solves.

In the real world, there is no magic; all magic is merely illusion. If you can accept that premise, you have a better chance to develop a COMMITMENT to a CONSISTENT effort over TIME(the clock). In a previous post, you can find a “response form”. By responding to that form, you may be included in an “information only” group to learn more about “The Seven Minute Miracle” project bring developed by team members at Wishbud Ranch. If you can’t find the form, simply email Let me know what you can bring to the table. If you can’t commit to uninterrupted SEVEN MINUTES of time, you probably won’t fit into the team.

The gate is about to open, Horses to the post! Since I am adjusting to several updates for this blog, this post will be published without “fancy dressings”.

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